Pink 7-heart necklace with cloth hearts from Mexico Pinknecklace7hrtsclose1web.jpg

Pink 7-heart necklace with cloth hearts from Mexico

Purple, red, and orange 7-heart necklace with Mexican hearts Purp&orgnecklace7hrtsclose2web.jpg

Purple, red, and orange 7-heart necklace with Mexican hearts

Blue and green 3-heart wood and cloth heart necklace Blu&grn3hrtnecklaceclose1aweb.jpg

Blue and green 3-heart wood and cloth heart necklace

Pink heart earrings beadedpinkearrbacksm.jpg

Pink heart earrings

Red heart earrings beadedredearrbacksm.jpg

Red heart earrings

Pink 5-heart necklace with wooden, glass, and cloth hearts Pink5hrtwood gls clothneckclose2web.jpg

Pink 5-heart necklace with wooden, glass, and cloth hearts

Blue carved wood, glass, and felt 3-heart necklace Blu 3pc neck blu flowers closure2web.jpg

Blue carved wood, glass, and felt 3-heart necklace
