Guatemalan crocheted morral #2

Guatemalan crocheted morral #2
The morral is the traditional Guatemalan utility bag for men and can seen being carried by men wearing traditional clothing. A lot of nice detail on this one. It is very tightly crocheted, has slight soiling, but is in good condition. The only damaged area is the very top crocheted row of the morral — parts of the row are gone. The loosely woven shoulder strap is in good condition. The morral is cotton. On the first line it says “Canton Chorraxaj” on one side, the name of the village and department the original owner was from, then the date 25th of March 2001. The next row reads “ tria (?). Guatemala Color Azules y Blancos,” which may be a soccer team. The last row says “Chorraxaj on the 10th of December, 1999”. 14 1/2” W X 14” L.